A self-proclaimed "heart lover of a man's wife" AV director Koichi Takahashi can stay at home full of his wife's female friends. There was nothing in the wife's body that spent a night alone .... He was 36 years old, married in his sixth year, and worked at a bedding shop without children. Mrs. Takahashi was the wife of a man who rented Tokyo's Takahashi Betaku overnight and relaxed, but director Takahashi came home unexpectedly. The wives, who were treated with alcohol and cooking by hand, became nervous and complained about their husband's early leakage. He accepts kisses while being preached by the director, and forgives his body because he is drunk. When he calls on a good person and is hit by a man, he cries out and extinguishes. Afterwards, he blamed the toy and exaggerated even in the next morning's sex, eliminating frustration.