The period of Warring States. The Tokuyama family in Sunpu moved most gold chunks to Koga Azuchi of the Yada domain to protect the accumulated treasure, and Koka Ninja used the treasure. However, as for the guarantee, Tokuyama ordered the Yada domain to send hostage, and the mother of Kogen Yata was sent to Tokuyama. However, Yada planned to send Koga no Ichi Ichi to 'Tokuyama' as a social position of 'yamatsura' to attempt a rebellion, and to attack Tokuyama and obtain treasure. Koganoichi 'hitome' headed for the hatago which hid himself. However, genzo Kurihara captured the hidden hatago of Koga Gumi and waited for the first time. He who knows nothing and arrives at a hatago. This evening, a frenzied feast was set up in a hatago that was transformed into the den of evil.