Misaki Kusama is 53 years old. A company clerk who lives in the 25th year of marriage with two sons and four husbands. In the text of the application email, "Sex with my husband is just pale and insufficient. I want to have more intense sex with a deeper sense of pleasure,” she said, though she was shy in the foreground, but when she stood in front of the camera she contracted. "I wanted to make myself feel better, but... Excuse me. In fact, I'm not confident in myself. I wanted to change myself, so I applied ..." First of all, I will unravel my wife with a puppies-like wet cheek with a relaxed mouth and passionate tenderness. Did your wife feel the best sex and orgasm that she wanted to be safe? And did you have confidence in yourself as a woman? Please see the document with plenty of initiality that can be said to be the essence of the first photo.