"Ima, Irama... Chio? A girl? There are many words you don't know ... Excuse me," a 54-year-old housewife by Hiroko Machiyama. The mother of two children who celebrated their 30th year of marriage this year. Up until now, there have been four experienced children including their husbands. Because of my inexperience, I struggled with the questionnaire before shooting. In fact, she was interested in AV when she was cleaning the rooms of her old sons. "I always get angry when I enter without permission, but cleaning is my hobby. and there's a lot of cute girls' dvds from my brothers' rooms. It's shocking." But then I started to wonder if AV is such a good thing, and when I learned about the existence of mature woman AV, my mind moved all at once. "My husband seems to be interested only in magazines, so I wonder if he'll get a little bit of it." The largest platinum body in the history of 50 road with height 176 cm and hip 105 cm, please feel good as many times as possible without saying a little!