A few years after her father-in-law passed away, she planned a hot spring trip by asking her to relax and enjoy the time of her mother-and-daughter, energizing her still depressed mother-in-law. My mother-in-law was still young and I wanted her to be beautiful and cheerful. I was shocked when I saw my mother-in-law in the bath immediately after arriving. I was amazed at the face of a sluggishly uplifting woman, her yukata and peeping breasts, and the cute sexiness of her mother-in-law. I tried to drink lightly after dinner, and had been drinking. The wife, who was not strong at all on alcoholic beverages, went to bed first and had two mother-in-laws. A mother-in-law who stares at me with a moist eyes. At that time, I fell in love. When she slept her drunken mother-in-law, she called my father-in-law and hugged me. When my soft lips touched, my reason broke down. My mother-in-law realized that I was not my father-in-law, but I couldn't stop and crossed the line. This is the first night of my mother-in-law and myself. I am having fun with my mother-in-law so that my wife won't lose her. because your mother-in-law is much better than your wife.