my sons are good meat broods... The wireless rotors in the park make your waist so excited that you can’t stand up, and at the bathroom you get a zamen on an ilamachio tied to it. In his bedroom, he was inserted into a squirrel lit by his sons' raw chicks and fired at the womb and face one by one. When he is punctured by his son and pushed into a vibrator, the tears are washed away, and he asks 'Please give me a peacock'; when the penis is put out in front of him, he scatters to the throat, shakes the wet crotch with love fluid, and asks for internal ejaculation. After his sons are detained with a rope and squid many times with toys, he gets a limited-density semen on his face at Iramachio. I love the sound of genitals hitting each other in my room as I boldly put a explosive vacuum blower on two chikupo at the source of my detonated husband's pillow. When he is ordered by his son to 'remove and drown the penis of his sleeping husband', he groans himself into his throat, being inserted live from the back by excited sons, but his penis is kept in hold and put out continuously by his sons. Even today, she is expected to teach her sons how to do so by naturally wetting the accompaniment and leaking it all around with manhoji (a Japanese phoenix). In the kitchen, a thrilling squirrels of his son Chikupo in order to prevent him from being seen by his husband, and with Iramachio while dyeing his face red on the pleasure of the rotor created by Masako, he was one-sidedly treated as Zamen's treatment woman who ejaculates her hips into fetuses. Six mothers fascinated by the jealousy of their sons, a feast of greed for four hours in total.